In my last essay, I suggested that the definition many philosophers use for free will is not what we actually experience; I implied that there is a “real” free will that the definition doesn’t capture. (Note that there is a third definition – the everyday, non philosophical one – which I will get to soon.) I want to explore these ideas a little now. But first, some motivation for the topic.
Free will is a precious idea to us. It lies at the core of what makes us who and what we are. We are not slaves, nor objects existing at the whim of external forces. We have agency; we determine our course, and steer our ships. Many philosophers believe that free will is a precondition for the existence of morality. How can we blame someone for doing something wrong, if he had no actual choice? We don’t actually blame machines for their actions. They are doing what they are programmed to do. Losing this precious power would be a devastating loss that would strike at the heart of our most cherished feelings about ourselves and our roles within the world, and alter our perceptions of experiences. Just as I feared that my mother’s kiss was rendered meaningless by the fact that atoms don’t touch, now that kiss would be even more destroyed – since she didn’t choose to give it to me. (Read Fritz Leiber’s brilliant, terrifying novel “You’re All Alone” for an excellent picture of what it would be like to be the only “awake” person in a world of “philosophical zombies.”)
I’d like to follow one more tangent before addressing my main point.
I think there are two kinds of powers we might wish we had. The first: powers we might have had. Most of us wish that we could fly. I class this as a power we might have had. If we had evolved on a world with lower gravity, or if we had hollow bones, or even if the laws of physics were different from what they are. So, it is not unreasonable to envy birds and pine for this “missing” ability. We might even resent God for creating us without it (I am speaking metaphorically.) The second kind of power is a power we could never under any conceivable set of circumstances have possessed. This would be a power that was a contradiction; a semantic trick, in a sense. Like being in two places at once, or existing at the same time as we fail to exist. When people say, “Could God create an object that even He could not destroy,” they malign the Almighty with a trick. This power is logically incoherent.
I think that when most people, including philosophers, accept the dire truth about our deterministic universe, they feel this envy and this resentment. After all, why couldn’t we have free will? Why were we created, or why did we evolve, without it? A kinder universe would not have arranged matters so. In any case, we see the “reality” of a world without free will as a bleak one.
I don’t think our reality is bleak. I think we possess the only kind of free will worth wanting (this expression is a paraphrase, I believe fro Daniel Dennett, but my ideas are not.) I think the kind of free will we don’t have is a logically incoherent power, and not worth wanting even if we could have it – which we absolutely cannot. Like touching by atomic collision, it only seems desirable because we have mapped our intuitive notions of freedom onto a bad definition.
Let’s start with the typical philosophical understanding of determinism.
The argument for absolute determinism – the idea that all our choices and actions are “predetermined” and not actually products of our spontaneous will – starts with the proposition that everything that happens is caused by something else. A simple example would be, that if a rock slides down a hill, something must have pushed it, or pulled it, or the ground underneath it must have given way. It wouldn’t simply start down the hill on its own. This push or pull is the cause of the slide – not the rock itself, nor any choice the rock made.
Well, we all know rocks have no free will; they have no will at all. The argument for pure determinism seems to posit that we are so many rocks; what we do is really just another way of saying, what happens to us. Even if we seem to be agents, we cannot be.
Before we come to the reasons why so many philosophers have accepted this startling conclusion, it is important here to consider the difference between the philosophical idea of free will, and the “ordinary” concept.
Let’s use everyone’s favorite, violent metaphor – the gun to the head. Someone puts a gun to your head, and demands that you turn over your money. Now, you probably will do so, but you will say later that you didn’t really want to – you were coerced. This is a perfect example of a non-free-will action. Free will, in the everyday understanding of the concept, involves choices that we make without external coercion. They represent the things we “want” to do.
But, don’t you want to hand your money to the gunman? After all, your life is at stake. I think you are very eager to hand the money over! In a philosophical sense, we have to say that, if free will exists at all, it exists here. You are freely responding to your environment, which just happens to offer you too few good options. Determinists are not committed to the idea that all our decisions are coerced in this way. They want us to understands that all our choices – the choice to turn the money over, or the choice to keep the money if we are not threatened in any way – are all equally predetermined. The gunman seems to have reduced our viable choices to one. Determinists tell us that we always have just one choice – the thing we actually do. (I’ll get back to this “common sense” version later, because it forms the core of what I actually think free will as we should understand it is.)
How is it that all our actions are predetermined this way? Well, let’s take another example. This one will be kind of long, because I need to do what determinists do – close off every avenue of escape. As you read this, and feel your agency slipping away, you will probably start looking for escape routes. There aren’t any. But it’s okay.
Every action you take is caused. Suppose you selected waffles for your breakfast. You feel that you freely chose them – that your choice was not in any way forced upon you. The sun was shining, you had leisure to consider, you weren’t so hungry that you couldn’t think clearly, and you are privileged enough to have many breakfast choices. You simply preferred waffles. What could be more free?
But, why did you prefer waffles? Let’s say you really like waffles. This means that your body chemistry is such that the experience of tasting waffles is more pleasant to you than it probably is for me (I rarely eat them.) Or perhaps you are on a low-protein diet, or perhaps the waffles remind you of your childhood.
Well, okay, you’re thinking. I am motivated to select them, perhaps by unconscious forces. But I am still free to choose!
But, exactly how are you free to choose? Before you even woke up, your body chemistry, your previous diet alignment, and your childhood memories, were already in your brain. The very factors that cause you to choose waffles were already predetermined, waiting their opportunity to affect you.
Ah! You say. But I am no slave to my preferences, or to nostalgia, or to my diet. I could throw all that to the winds, and eat an ice cream sundae!
But – you didn’t. So, in what sense are you saying that you could have done so? There may be two possible answers to this.
One: you could choose not to eat waffles, in ordeer to prove that you are making your own choices, not your chemistry or your memories. But, in order to have any reason to do this, you would need to be challenged to prove it. Perhaps you are reading this right before breakfast, and desire to prove me wrong!
But – that desire is also part of your brain; part of the overall state that inevitably leads to your “choice.” How is it different from your chemical predisposition to prefer waffles? All it means, is that there are competing chemistries, and the more potent one wins. It will always win.
Second: perhaps what you mean by the statement that you could have chosen differently, is that, under the exact same circumstances (with the universe in the exact same initial state, in other words), something different might have happened.
But, this is like saying that if you rewind a film and play it back, the characters on the screen will do something different!
Let’s take another tack: if we could “change” our choices on a second run-through, where would the cause of this change be found? Since nothing in the universe, by hypothesis, would be different, if we behaved differently, this could only mean that our choices are caused by exactly nothing. But, that’s not what we want! We want our choices to be caused by us, rather than by exigent circumstances or pre-existing conditions that act in the role of so many unacknowledged gunman, limiting our choices to one! We never wanted our actions to be purely random, chaotic events that are totally uncaused! *
Basically, the options are two. One: our actions are random uncaused events that might go one way once, but another way another time, even under identical circumstances. Or two: our actions are caused, and can only be what they are, and could never have been otherwise.
Where does this leave our desire for freedom?
I’ll address that next.
*Many scientists and philosophers, who should know better, (like Roger Penrose) refer to quantum mechanics as a possible way out of a deterministic universe. The idea of a “clockwork universe,” wound up at the beginning of time and unfolding in an inevitable manner, goes back to Isaac Newton and even earlier. Newton is well known for it because his idea of universal gravity made it clear that the same forces that govern the earth, also govern the heavens. Many people express determinism as the idea that, if we knew the total state of the universe at any time and totally understood all the laws that act on it, we could predict every future event, including the choices of all so-called agents. Somehow, being predictable seems to many to be the equivalent of being not-free. Quantum mechanics, with its reliance on Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, seems to offer a way out. Einstein famously dismissed it with the phrase “I refuse to believe that God plays dice!” Quantum mechanics may restore unpredictability.
But, alas, it doesn’t help. As I pointed out above, absolutely random events aren’t what we are looking for. We want events where we are the cause. Not uncaused events. The trick is deciding what we mean by us.